Our Assessment for ADHD: What you should know…
We provide assessment services to children, adolescents, and adults for ADHD. We welcome referrals from medical and mental health providers, but a referral is not necessary.
Because attention disorders can be, and often are, misdiagnosed, our assessment process is rather extensive. Typically, you will need two sessions of 60 to 90 minutes per session in order to complete the assessment. During the first session, Dr. Robison will conduct a diagnostic interview and the first part of a two-part attention span and concentration assessment. The assessment is completed during the second session. It may be necessary to administer an intelligence or school achievement test in order to rule out a learning disability as a cause of the attention problem.
Dr. Robison will prepare a report of his findings, which will be sent to you and, if you wish, your doctor. If you would like Dr. Robison to go over your resutls with you in person, we will schedule a 30 minute appointment for this purpose, at no additional fee. Preparation of results generally requires about five days.
Many insurance carriers will provide benefits to cover at least part of the cost of the assessment. Once the carrier has paid their negotiated portion of the fee and any reductions negotiated with the carrier have been applied, the patient or patient’s family is responsible for any remaining charges.